0% answered
How many people live in your home?
How many cars are there in your home?
What is your primary mode of transportation?
How efficient do you think is your primary mode of transportation?
Over the past three months, how much did you rely on others for transportation?
If you depend on others for your trips, who do you depend on? (Check all that apply)
Do you have any transportation challenges? (Check all that apply)
Roughly, how much do you spend on travel costs per month? (Please provide a number estimate)
Maximum 255 characters
If you have taxi, or Uber/Lyft available in your community, please indicate which of the following statements are true for you. (Check all that apply)
If in the future there is a new on-demand transportation service at the similar cost of bus, will you and your family use it?
Do you have any school-age children in your household?
Please indicate how you/your children typically travel to/from school? (Check all that apply)
Which of the following statements about your local public transit system are true for you? (Check all that apply)
Which local destinations do you visit often? (Check all that apply)
Please list a few detailed locations that you'd like to visit often. Use enter/return to list a new location.